Are You Called?
Figuring out whether you may have a religious vocation or, more precisely, a vocation to be a Franciscan Friar, can be a confusing yet personally enligthening process. It is during this time that talking to a Vocations Director can be a great way to express feelings, concerns and ask questions.
This process is referred to as Discernment. It is the journey which a person undertakes to determine God’s will for their life. This interior search for answers to a vocation can be to figure out whether the call is for a married, single, priestly or religious life.
However, there are a few pointers that can help you sort through your feelings:
- A true vocation feels right.
- A true vocation persists.
- A true vocation helps you feel closer to God.
- A true vocation fills a gap.
- A true vocation is confronting.
- A true vocation gives you a feeling of joy.
- A true vocation is affirmed.
A Franciscan Vocation?
Franciscan life and being a friar involves a number of elements. If the prospect of living in an enriching and prayerful community with like-minded men appeals to you, then you may consider exploring joining the Order. Community is an important and essential element of our life, as is living the Gospel in its fullness.
While Francis did not specify any particular job or work for the friars, he wrote that “the Rule and life of the Friars Minor is this: to live the Holy Gospel of our Lord, Jesus Christ, by living in obedience, without anything of one’s own, and in chastity.” (Rule of St Francis 1223, Chapter 1)
Other “signs” of a Franciscan vocation include:
- Concern for those neglected and shunned by society and the ability to identify with them
- Caring for creation and being drawn to building bonds of brotherhood and community among people
- Others seeing you as a herald of joy and a man of peace
- Wanting to follow in the footprints of Jesus and make his message come alive in your life and work
A vocation is not concerned simply with what you do, it is more concerned with who you are and the person you desire to be. If you want to find out more, please do not hesitate to contact the Vocations Director who would be more than happy to talk with you and listen to your questions.